Phil and Steve discuss emergence, the various areas where it applies, and how it could affect the future. Topics range from society, the law of unintended consequences, asteroid mining, the future of tech and design, and much more.
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- Emergence
- Gestalt
- Weaver Ants (The ones that use their babies to glue things)
- Wood Cutting Boards Being Antimicrobial
- Law of Unintended Consequences
- Jonathan Haidt (Moral Foundations Theory)
- Butterfly Effect (Chaos Theory)
- Market Vs Social Norms (Psychology)
- Prostitution and Unintended Consequences – Couldn’t find article, so this one will have to do, as it is also a better example of well-intended interventions from the political left. From the Article: “Sex workers’ narratives and ethnographic observations indicated that while police sustained a high level of visibility, they eased charging or arresting sex workers and showed increased concern for their safety. However, participants’ accounts and police statistics indicated continued police enforcement of clients. This profoundly impacted the safety strategies sex workers employed. Sex workers continued to mistrust police, had to rush screening clients and were displaced to outlying areas with increased risks of violence, including being forced to engage in unprotected sex.”
- Theory of the Second Best (Economics)
- “The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment.” -Warren Bennis
- Universal Basic Income (Economics)
- Paradox of Enrichment (Ecology)
- Peppered Moth Evolution Story
- The Overstory by Richard Powers
- The Invisible Hand (Economics)
- Mao’s Misadventure with Sparrows
- Noise in Data
- Phil said John Gottman’s Lab could predict relationship outcomes at ~50%; the real figure they state is 93.6%
- The Wisdom of Crowds
- Crowds act like Fluids
- A Liberated Mind – Steven Hayes
- Exponential Growth
- FREE: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson
- Asteroid Mining
- Desalination
- Moore’s Law
Recent Posts Phil introduces concepts from the book "On Being Awesome" by Nick Riggle, which goes in-depth on how to avoid being a...
Episodes 59-60: Making Friends as Adults - Overcoming the Loneliness Epidemic
In these episodes, Phil talks about the various lessons he's learned and re-learned over the past year of being hyper-social in Toronto.